Local Task Force Meetings

The Local Task Force meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every other month from 12:30 to 2:00P, except for the exceptions as noted.
The LTF meets at:
Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department
(formerly Transportation and Public Works)
2300 County Center Drive, La Plaza A, Room A212
Santa Rosa, California 95403
Call in Conference Number: 707-565-2283

Zoom: https://sonomacounty.zoom.us/j/95452631348?pwd=amRpWng4Ykc4YkhCRWV3WEtEb2RxZz09
Meeting ID
: 954 5263 1348 Passcode: 820621

October 10, 2024

Sonoma County Public Infrastructure Department, La Plaza A, Room A212 2300 County Center Dr, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, USA

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