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Teach-in at the Peace & Justice Center

November 30 , 2023


7:00pm - 9:00pm


Peace & Justice Center
467 Sebastopol Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Presentations on local zero waste programs, holiday tips, and compost legislation

Learn how to improve your zero waste efforts,
what laws support you and the ins and outs of composting.
There will be time for Q&A so you can find out how best to dispose of that special item.
This is the first in a series of teach-ins at the PJC. Its success will help determine our direction with future teach-ins. Please come and tell others. No charge at the door but donations to the PJC are appreciated

Presenters include Xinci Tan, Organics Program Manager, ZWS; Sloane Pagal, Zero Waste Program Manager, ZWS; and Marie Kneemeyer, Public Education Manager with Recology.

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