RP taking steps towards becoming greener

Read more at the Community Voice

August 25, 2023

Over three years, The City of Rohnert Park has taken many steps towards becoming greener. Rohnert Park’s 2040 General Plan lays out the plan to address climate change. The city continues to prioritize recycling efforts and programs that protect Rohnert Park’s greenspace.

“Rohnert Park is becoming eco-friendlier to help combat climate change. We are grateful for our partnerships with organizations like Zero Waste Sonoma to leverage expertise and resources in achieving our environmental goals,” said Rohnert Park Mayor Samantha Rodriguez. “With the community's continued efforts and participation, we can effectively adapt to these changes. We appreciate your ongoing efforts to go green at home and in Rohnert Park!”

Rohnert Park participates in regional efforts to educate the community about organics waste disposal. Organic waste includes items like food scraps and other biodegradable products. When organic waste decomposes in the landfill, it releases harmful pollutants and contributes to climate change. To combat this, residents are now required to separate their organic waste from regular trash. The city launched widespread outreach to residents, especially disadvantaged community groups. The city also visited Sonoma State University (SSU) to raise environmental awareness for students who may become future residents.

The city increased the number and quality of signage on recycling and composting bins at city facilities. It also collaborated with Zero Waste Sonoma to reduce waste in landfills through community programs. Zero Waste Sonoma also provides technical assistance for local businesses. The city approved an additional recycling center at Flipside Thrift Store, which will be available for can and recycling services soon.

The city is expanding bicycle lanes and multi-use paths throughout Rohnert Park. Walking and biking will help lessen pollution while also improving community safety.

Preserving Rohnert Park’s surrounding nature and wildlife is a priority. The Copeland Creek Trail project will add a 1.4-mile trail connector from SSU to Crane Creek. The city also hosted four creeks clean up events. These improvement projects allow the community to coexist with nature and sensitive wildlife.

To learn more about the city’s efforts, visit the sustainability webpage.