December 21, 2011
Project Title: SCWMA Compost Facility
Project Applicant: Sonoma County Waste Management Agency
Date: December 21, 2011
The Sonoma County Waste Management Agency (SCWMA), as the lead agency under the California Environmental Protection Act (CEQA), has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the SCWMA Compost Facility. The DEIR identifies impacts and environmental issues related to the SCWMACompost Facility (proposed project), and also discusses and analyzes alternatives to the proposed project, as required by CEQA.
The proposed project would process (either through windrow or aerated static pile [ASP] methods) up to 200,000 tons of compost materials per year. The new compost facility may be selected from the three sites studied at project-level in this document. These sites include:
The proposed project includes constructing a new compost facility that would replace the existing composting facility at the Central Disposal Site. The objectives for the proposed project are the relocation of the SCWMA’s composting operations from its current location at the County’s Central Disposal Site; the establishment of a permanent composting facility in Sonoma County with sufficient capacity for current and future quantities; and to assist jurisdictions within SCWMA’s service area in meeting the goals and objectives for waste diversion as set forth in the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989 (AB 939). The DEIRprovides the environmental information and evaluation of three sites at the project level of detail. The DEIRis necessary for the planning, construction, operation, and maintenance of the project and is intended to provide sufficient environmental documentation to inform the public and allow the SCWMA Board Members to make an informed decision concerning approval, disapproval, or modification of the proposed project.
The following significant adverse impacts associated with the proposed project (Site 5A), the Site 40 Alternative, and the Central Site Alternative would be unavoidable, even with the implementation of the mitigation measures identified in this report:
The following significant adverse impacts would be unavoidable for the proposed project (Site 5A) if mitigation measures identified in the EIR were found to be infeasible, as the County of Sonoma has ultimate jurisdiction in making the proposed roadway improvements:
The Draft EIR is available for a 45-day public comment period from December 21, 2011 through February 3, 2012. Copies of the DEIR are available to the public for review or purchase at the SCWMA office in Santa Rosa (2300 County Center Drive, Suite B100, Santa Rosa, CA 95403) and available for review at local libraries throughout the County. Electronic copies of the DEIR are also available online at:
The public may present comments and concerns regarding the adequacy of the DEIR. Comments may be submitted in writing to:
Mr. Patrick Carter, Waste Management Specialist
Sonoma County Waste Management Agency
2300 County Center Drive, Suite B100
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Fax: (707) 565-3701
Please be sure to include your name, address, and telephone number in your correspondence. Written comments on the DEIR must be postmarked or received by fax or e-mail no later than 4:00 pm, February 3, 2012.
The SCWMA will also hold a public hearingon Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in the City of Santa Rosa Council Chambers, 100 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95404. This hearing will allow public comment on the DEIR for the proposed compost facility project. Comments received during the comment period, including the public hearing, will be considered by the SCWMA during the preparation of the Final EIR.
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