Treated wood is banned from disposal in the garbage/curbside bins. Available disposal options are listed below.
Treated wood refers to dimensional lumber treated with chemicals that protect wood from rotting due to insects and microbial agents.
Treated wood is not accepted at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility and related programs.
-CCA (Chromated copper arsenate) Common uses: Sill plates • Trusses • Joists
-Creosote Common uses: Railroad ties
-Pentachlorophenol Common uses: Phone poles • Some fence posts
-Copper based such as alkaline copper quaternary (ACQ) and copper boron azole (CBA) Common uses: Decking • Landscape timbers
-Borates Common uses: Sill plates • Trusses • Joists
-Furniture or lumber painted with lead paint
Reuse organization
967 Mabury Rd
San Jose, CA 95133
NotesPickup and fee: call for quote.
33549 Annapolis Rd.
Annapolis, CA 94952
NotesDrop-off and fee: Pressure treated, railroad ties, telephone poles (all less than 6 feet). Nails/screws okay, remove metal fasteners.
For current rates, see Fee Schedule
500 Mecham Rd
Petaluma, CA 94952
NotesDrop-off and fee: Pressure treated, railroad ties, telephone poles (all less than 6 feet). Nails/screws okay, remove metal fasteners.
For current rates, see Fee Schedule
30677 Huntwood Ave
Hayward, CA 94544
NotesPickup and fee: call for quote.
4101 Industrial Way
Benicia, CA 95403
NotesPickup and fee: call for quote.
3899 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
NotesDrop-off and fee: all kinds, call for quote.
4376 Stage Gulch Rd.
Sonoma, CA 94956
NotesDrop-off and fee: Pressure treated, railroad ties, telephone poles (all less than 6 feet). Nails/screws okay, remove metal fasteners.
For current rates, see Fee Schedule
590 Caletti Ave
Windsor, CA 95492
NotesDrop-off, pickup and fee: all kinds; call for quote. Available for contractors and businesses only; no residential customers.