Appliances - Large

Make an effort to repair your broken large appliance to extend its useful life, or if the large appliance is still in working condition, consider donation. Large freon and non-freon appliances are prohibited from landfill disposal and require special handling. In addition to the sites listed below, consider using platforms such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Freecycle and Nextdoor to list and find items for reuse, resale, or giveaway.

Large freon appliances:

Examples: Air Conditioners • Dehumidifiers • Freezers • Refrigerators • Water Coolers

About refrigerants: Many older refrigerators, freezers, and air-conditioners contain ozone-depleting refrigerants (CFCs/Freon) that are regulated by law and must be removed by a professional. Each molecule of a CFC can destroy more than 100,000 molecules of the earth's protective ozone layer. Appliance recyclers capture CFCs and avoid releasing them into the air. Do not attempt to do this yourself.

Large non-freon appliances:

Examples: Air Purifiers • Dryers • Furnaces • Oil-Filled Radiators • Ovens • Stove Tops • Stoves • Trash Compactors • Washers • Water Heaters • Water Softeners • Thermoelectric coolers

Related topics:

See Appliances - Small
See County Refuse Disposal Sites for drop-off of freon and non-freon large appliances
See Bulky Item Pickup program for residential hauling company customers
See Electronics (E-waste)


Location pin Annapolis Transfer Station (Disposal and Recycling)

33549 Annapolis Rd.
Annapolis, CA 94952

NotesDrop-off and fee: freon and non-freon appliances.

For current rates, see Fee Schedule

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Location pin Central Disposal Site

500 Mecham Rd
Petaluma, CA 94952

NotesDrop-off and fee: freon and non-freon appliances.

For current rates, see Fee Schedule

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Location pin eWaste Sonoma

3227 Santa Rosa Ave, Unit A
Santa Rosa, CA 95407

NotesDrop-off and fee: eWaste Sonoma accepts small and large printers, commercial grade copiers, microwaves, convection ovens, vacuums, oil-based heaters, and in-wall AC units for a fee.

For items accepted and not accepted, including fee items, see list

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Location pin Friends in Sonoma Helping (FISH)

18330 Sonoma Hwy
Sonoma, CA 95476

NotesDrop-off: small working household appliances; call first.

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Location pin Guerneville Transfer Station (Disposal and Recycling)

13450 Pocket Canyon Dr./Hwy. 116
Guerneville, CA 95446

NotesDrop-off and fee: freon and non-freon appliances.

For current rates, see Fee Schedule

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Location pin Habitat for Humanity ReStore

1201 Piner Rd., Ste. 500
Santa Rosa, CA 95401

NotesDrop-off and pickup: working appliances newer than 10 years old. Charitable receipts issued for donations.

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Location pin Healdsburg Transfer Station (Disposal and Recycling)

166 Alexander Valley Rd
Healdsburg, CA 95448

NotesDrop-off and fee: freon and non-freon appliances.

For current rates, see Fee Schedule

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Location pin PartSelect

NotesResource for finding replacement parts for all kinds of appliances and electronics. Visit website for instructions.

Location pin Republic Services/Global Materials Recovery Services

3899 Santa Rosa Ave
Santa Rosa, CA 95407

NotesDrop-off and fee: all kinds of freon and non-freon appliances.

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Location pin Republic Services/Industrial Carting

3911 Santa Rosa Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA 95407

NotesPickup and fee: most appliances; call for quote.

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Location pin Sonoma Transfer Station (Disposal and Recycling)

4376 Stage Gulch Rd.
Sonoma, CA 94956

NotesDrop-off and fee: freon and non-freon appliances

For current rates, see Fee Schedule

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